VI Peel - Advance

VI Peel - Advance

VI Peel - Advance

VI Peel Advance: is a powerful medical-grade chemical peel designed to improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin. It contains a unique blend of powerful ingredients, including TCA, salicylic acid, phenol, retinoic acid, and Vitamin C. This potent combination of ingredients works together to exfoliate the top layer of the skin, promote collagen production, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.

VI Peel Advance can treat a wide range of skin concerns, including:

  1. Fine lines and wrinkles
  2. Sun damage
  3. Age spots and brown spots
  4. Melasma
  5. Acne and acne scars
  6. Large pores
  7. Dull and uneven skin tone
  8. Rough skin texture

VI Peel Advance is safe for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin. The treatment is quick and painless, with most patients experiencing only a mild tingling sensation during the procedure. After the treatment, patients may experience some redness and peeling for several days, which can be easily managed with a gentle moisturizer.

The benefits of VI Peel Advance include:

  1. Immediate improvement in skin texture and tone
  2. Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  3. Improved skin hydration and radiance
  4. Reduction in the appearance of age spots and hyperpigmentation
  5. Reduction in the appearance of acne and acne scars
  6. Smaller pores
  7. Overall improvement in the appearance of the skin

VI Peel Advance is a safe and effective option for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin. It is a popular choice for individuals seeking to achieve a more youthful, radiant, and even complexion.

VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus is a specially formulated chemical peel that is designed to improve skin clarity, reduce acne, and prevent future breakouts. The treatment contains a unique blend of powerful ingredients that work together to gently exfoliate the skin, unclog pores, and reduce inflammation, leaving the skin clear and smooth.

The peel is suitable for all skin types and can be used to treat a range of skin concerns, including acne, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin texture. It is particularly effective for those with active acne, as it targets the root causes of acne and prevents new breakouts from forming.

The treatment involves the application of a gentle chemical solution to the skin, which is left on for a specific period of time before being neutralized. The peel is painless and requires no downtime, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Some of the key benefits of VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus include:

  1. Improved skin clarity: The treatment helps to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and remove dead skin cells, resulting in a clearer, more even complexion.
  2. Reduced acne: The peel targets the root causes of acne, helping to reduce the severity of existing breakouts and prevent future breakouts from forming.
  3. Improved texture: The treatment helps to smooth and refine the skin's texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other imperfections.
  4. Increased collagen production: The peel stimulates collagen production, which can help to firm and tighten the skin over time.

The VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus is suitable for those with acne-prone skin, oily skin, and those with hyperpigmentation or uneven skin texture. It is not recommended for those with extremely sensitive skin or those with open wounds or active infections.

Overall, the VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus is an effective and convenient option for those looking to improve their skin's clarity and reduce acne breakouts. With regular treatments, patients can enjoy a smoother, clearer, and more even complexion.

***Consultation Cost Applies to Service***

***Consultation Available via Telehealth***

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